Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Human Behavior - Exploring Free Will p1

I realize these are incomplete explanations, and in some cases they are ridiculous, but I just wanted to see what you guys think. I will probably do a more elaborate entry for what I believe [the top is closest to what I believe, but I added some BS]. Let me know if you agree with one I listed, or even better, make your own and let me know what you think. If you'd like to see an entry where I expand on this subject let me know and I'll really dive in. I really appreciate reading psych and philosophical books about human behavior, free will, consciousness and analysis of brain activity. I'm curious what you think ;)


Here we go:

Our experience & upbringing are passive influences. Our Psyche [perspective] is formed uniquely; through different reactions our brain experiences [whether it be experience, upbringing, trauma/pain, mental limitation, etc.] All factors affect our outlook, but our outlook is not tied to our behavior necessarily. Behavior is determined by our psyche subconsciously deciding best course of action through conclusions reached from variables above. Free will is evasive [although we do not realize this], for our actions/behavior is governed by subconscious [behind the scenes] brain activity & conclusions reached before we attempt to form a cohesive conclusion based solely on experiences & upbringing. Our behavior attempts to produce the most favorable result for our future, but is limited by chance/fate presenting the right opportunities for our future.


Our experience/upbringing/psyche form our current outlook. Our current outlook dictates our behavior. Our behavior forms our future.


Our experience/upbringing/psyche are irrelevant. Our current outlook is irrelevant. Our future is formed by chance and uncontrollable factors. Our future is set. Our ideas are our own. Our thoughts are our own. Our life is not; we are fated to a specific outcome, and therefore free will is a myth. Though we think uniquely, it will not deter us from our predetermined future.


Our experience/upbringing/psyche form our bias. Our bias is one factor [of many] that determine our outlook. Our behavior is an expression of our outlook. Our behavior sets our availability for potential outcomes. Potential outcomes, presented to us by chance [or fate] give us choice for our future.


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